Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ready, Set, Go!!

Thursday: What an exciting week this has been!  It seems like everyday there is something special taking place at the school, and today was no exception.  The high school students were given the challenge of building qamotiks (sleds) out of cardboard boxes. They spent an hour this afternoon designing their sleds and constructing them, to scale.  Then, everyone went out on the harbour ice to watch them race.  Two members from each group got to ride in the sleds, while the other team members had to pull them by a rope.  All teams did a great job, and it seemed as if the whole community came out on the ice to watch!  It was a beautiful sunny day and many people even took off their hats and jackets!
As far as the 5/6 classroom goes, we had a pretty good day together.  I worked one-on-one with a few students who needed some extra help during lessons. It made me smile when they would call my name, because they wanted to show me the work they had finished at their desk (it is a big deal when these students show excitement about learning)!  Next week I'm going to ease into teaching the class, starting with language arts.  Mr. H and I are hoping that the students will respond positively to me taking the lead...  they are an unpredictable bunch, so we will see.  For now I'm just enjoying a cup of tea (which I just discovered I really like, since being in the North) and enjoying some relatively fast internet access...   lol the simple luxuries I took for granted before coming here!

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