Friday, March 4, 2011

15 Days!!

It's only about 2 weeks now until the big trip!!  I am getting VERY excited... and maybe just a little bit nervous.    I thought I would write a quick note about all the preparations I've been making lately:
- I have been in contact with my practicum teacher and my host in Kimmirut; both seem very friendly and welcoming.  They have been wonderful answering all of my little questions about the experience!  :)
- I finally have just about everything I need to stay nice and warm while exporing this amazing territory.  I've got my parka, snow pants, boots, and hat checked off the list (see picture below).   There are just a few last minute things left to get: warm mittens and thick socks. 
- I found a great website about the weather in Kimmirut.  I've been checking it almost everyday to compare the temperatures to what we are experiencing here in NS.  It's been colder in Kimmirut lately, but not by a whole lot.  There is a webcam view of the harbour on this site too, which I find is very cool.  Click here to check it out!
I will definitely be taking loads of pictures on my trip and will try to post on this blog as often as possible (but be patient, I will only have slow dial-up internet).  Now that we're soo close, I'm hoping the days will just fly by, so that I can finally get this adventure started!

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