Today was soo exciting; I got to see so many new things! I spent part of the morning in the grade 1/2 class. I was talking with my teacher about possibly getting the opportunity to see a few of the other classes and he arranged it right away! They were soo cute, and tiny compared to my 5/6's! The best part was when they had music class and sang the Raffi song "Baby Beluga" for me. Haha, this was one of my favourite songs when I was little so it was really cool to see them enjoying it so much! Another interesting thing about school today was that there was a French film crew around all day. I guess they have been all over the world, filming clips for a story about climate.
The BEST part of my day was after school was over. A few of my students had mentioned that I should come to the "penny sale". I had no idea what this was, but I decided to check it out. They had about 25 items there, from fur mitts to seal skin pants to ulus (a special kind of traditional knife). Tickets were 25 cents each, and you put tickets into a draw on whatever items you wanted. I bought $20 worth of tickets and put all of them in on a few pairs of mitts and an ulu. When the draw started, my number was the very first one called!!! :) I won a pair of beauuuutiful seal skin mitts, with white wolf fur around the cuffs! I was soo excited! The funny thing was, Rosalie won a pair of mitts on the very next draw (and won 3 more items after that)! We were very lucky, and very glad that we decided to go! The other community members were checking out our winnings afterwards, and offering to trade for some of our items. It was too late though, I was in love with my mittens! I still can't believe I won them! It was soo much fun and I think the elders in the community really liked the fact that we came out for the event. Afterwards, there was a community feast in the library. We went inside and watched the ladies clean some tarmigan (spelling?) and prepare some caribou. We stayed for the prayer, but quietly excused ourselves before the feast began. I just wasn't brave enough to try the raw meat... lol maybe another time! Overall, it was an awesome day!! And with tomorrow being a holiday, it was a great start to the long weekend!
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