Friday, April 8, 2011

The Northern Lights!!!

Last night, it finally happened!! :) :)   I went into my room to read before bed (like always).  I was just about to turn on the lamp when I thought, 'I should check out the window first... ya never know!'  Lol, I've been doing this pretty much every night lately, hoping to catch a glimpse of something interesting.  Well, I was sooo shocked when I looked up at the sky and saw colour! I immediately ran to the back door and stuck my head out for a better view.  There they were, the northern lights... up close!  I dont even think I can do them justice by trying to describe it on here.  They filled the whole sky... it was a huge light show!  They were bright green against the black sky, and they moved in a slow, hypnotizing way.  I must have stood there shivering for at least 5-10 minutes, just watching.  It kind of reminded me of a lava lamp or oil in water... the shapes made by the light would move and blend into each other, creating new shapes.  It was really really amazing!  Now I understand why everyone says you HAVE to see them for yourself.  The only downside to this sighting was that I was all alone!  Lol, I was soo excited but had no one to share it with but the dog!  So I grabbed my camera and tried taking a few photos, and even a video... but I checked this morning and everything just came out black.  Ohh well :(    After the show was over, I jumped on the internet to report my big news!  It was after 10 by then, but I was too excited to get ready for bed!  This is definitely another huge highlight from a trip of a lifetime!

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